Orthodontics in Mexico
Perfect smiles guaranteed.

Why are my teeth crooked?

This is not only a dental problem, but to a certain degree can indicate an underlying issue with the bone structure—with the upper or lower jaw (the maxillary and the mandible, respectively).

Other common factors that can create crroked teeth include:

✔︎ Late eruption of permanent teeth.

✔︎ Premature loss of temporary teeth.

✔︎ Persistence of temporary teeth or the remains of these.

No—crooked teeth are not merely visually unattractive; they also result in problems associated with chewing, speaking and the balancing of facial muscles.

  • Nowadays, many patients prefer the comfort of not wearing braces, so orthodontic treatment with Aligners is a great option since they are very aesthetic, easy to clean and comfortable to wear, without anyone noticing that you are aligning your teeth.

    And for whom treatment with braces is indicated, the use of aesthetic porcelain braces is a very good alternative.

prices at Salud Oral


$ $2,405 USD
  • Consultations
  • Laboratory fees
  • Specialist work and time


$ $3,050 USD
  • Consultations
  • Laboratory fees
  • Specialist work and time



$ $3,813 USD
  • Consultations
  • Laboratory fees
  • Specialist work and time
Most Popular



$ $5,454 USD
  • Consultations
  • Laboratory fees
  • Specialist work and time

Improve your oral health with us!


What’s the right age to begin orthodontic treatment?

Age is not a factor in deciding whether a patient is a candidate for orthodontic treatment; there is no ideal age to start treatment.

Healthy teeth can move at any age. Independently of age, patients can recognize a problem with badly positioned teeth, though a visit to the orthodontist is recommended before the age of 7.

Forget about being embarrassed to smile, gain self-confidence.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that seeks to manage teeth alignment and design corrective treatment for biting problems; it also seeks to guide the eruption of teeth and the proper development of maxillaries. In sum, an orthodontist specializes in creating beautiful smiles! Every day, more and more children and adults are aware of the enormous esthetic and functional benefits that orthodontic treatment provides.

Forget about being embarrassed to smile, gain self-confidence.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that seeks to manage teeth alignment and design corrective treatment for biting problems; it also seeks to guide the eruption of teeth and the proper development of maxillaries. In sum, an orthodontist specializes in creating beautiful smiles! Every day, more and more children and adults are aware of the enormous esthetic and functional benefits that orthodontic treatment provides.

Education and dental specialties

A member of the American Association of Ortodonthics

A member of the American Association of Ortodonthics

Techniques and technology with maximum esthetics and comfort.

We use invisible techniques and the newest orthodontics technology.

This depends on each individual case and patient. There are treatments that last less than a year and others that last longer than two years; however, these dental appointments are brief and infrequent.

Yes! In fact, nowadays about one in five orthodontic patients are adults.

However, this figure represents only a small fraction of adults who could actually benefit from orthodontic treatment. Braces can provide adults the same benefits children receive. Orthodontic treatment involves metallic or transparent braces, the latter being the more attractive option, and the one that does not impede normal day to day activities.

It is possible for your orthodontic treatment to be successful even if your teeth have crowns or root canal treatments. The necessary materials are available to fix the orthodontic supports to the crowns in the same way in which they could adhere to any other tooth. Consult an orthodontist to obtain answers pertinent specifically to you and your circumstances.

How much does orthodontic treatment cost?

Taking into consideration the benefits of this type of treatment, the costs are not high. You can also pay little by little over the entire treatment period. 

How can I keep my teeth straight as the years go by?

At the end of orthodontic treatment it is vital to arrange periodic check-ups. Depending on the situation, they could be every two months, every three months or every six months to make sure that the teeth will remain in position in the long term and there are no relapses. In addition, we will evaluate retainer use and oral hygiene procedures to ensure that they are being carried out appropriately.


50% of a treatment´s success is due to the recovery. 

Selecting a destination with a climate favorable to healing and recovery processes during dental treatments is key to a successful result. As you can imagine, climates that are too hot for example the beach are unfavorable to healing as they provoke more and longer-lasting swelling, and they oblige the the patients to stay in their rooms, it is not recommended to go out in order to avoid being exposed to the sun and  high temperatures. 

Our clinic is located in a valley surrounded by mountains and evergreen forests, which allows us to enjoy an average temperature of 59 Fahrenheit degrees, ideal for good healing processes. Being the most attractive colonial city in Mexico, full of pedestrian zones, magical hidden corners and cobbled streets, San Cristóbal de las Casas invites you to go on tours and walks not only in the city but also in the surroundings during the days of your dental treatment.  The food on offer is varied and delicious, and the concentration of cafes, design stores and proposals that mix modern and traditional will complete your journey and experience. 

Do you want to solve all your dental issues in a single place?




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