¿Qué es un implante dental? Un Implante Dental es una fijación de titanio (que es el material más biocompatible con el cuerpo humano), el cual se coloca dentro de la encía, alrededor del hueso, en el lugar que antes era ocupado por las raíces de los dientes perdidos. Una vez que es colocado es...
Etiqueta: Foraneos
The “Barrios” / traditional neighbourhoods of San Cristobal.
A unique mixture of Spanish and ethnic Indian influence has resulted in a fascinating human mosaic whose racial and cultural mixture is reflected in the culture, architecture, food and character of the local people. Each “barrio” has its own unique history and characteristics and form unique communities, resembling urban villages in and around the centre of San...
San Cristobal de Las Casas, the Colonial Jewel of Chiapas.
There is so much to say about the gorgeous city of San Cristobal de Las Casas , it is difficult to know where to start! The city was founded by Spanish colonists in 1528 and owes much of its beauty to the colonial architecture, still preserved in its original state over a large portion...