Example Prices
Dental Procedure US Prices Salud Oral Preferred Savings ADA Code 100% Porcelain Crown CAD CAM technology. 1200 460 -0.62 D2740 Single tooth implant Crown with prefabricated abutment. 1557 760 -0.51 D6060/D6066 Porcelain veneer. 1200 470 -0.61 D2962 General dental cleaning adult 270 130 -0.52 D1110 Boost Whitenning both arch 732 220 -0.6999999999999998 D9972 Root canal treatment anterior tooth. 833 200 -0.76 D3310 Simple extractions. 185 55 -0.6999999999999998 D7140 Prices in United States dollars
Why Salud Oral in Chiapas Mexico is become
a Popular Destination for Dental Tourism?
Safe and Beautiful Location
Best Price in Conutry
3 Years of Guarantee in our Dental Work
Certificated and State of the Art Specialist
Best Climate for healing process
The Enigmatic and Alternative Location of Dental Tourism Mexico
50% of a treatment´s success is due to the recovery.
Selecting a destination with a climate favorable to healing and recovery processes during dental treatments is key to a successful result. As you can imagine, climates that are too hot for example the beach are unfavorable to healing as they provoke more and longer-lasting swelling, and they oblige the patient to stay in their room, it not being recommended to go out in order to avoid being exposed to the sun and high temperatures.
Our clinic is located in a valley surrounded by mountains and evergreen forests, which allows us to enjoy an average temperature of 15 degrees centigrade, ideal for good healing processes. Being the most attractive colonial city in Mexico, full of pedestrian zones, magical hidden corners and cobbled streets, San Cristóbal de las Casas invites you to go on tours and walks not only in the city but also in the surroundings during the days of your dental treatment. The food on offer is varied and delicious, and the concentration of cafes, design stores and proposals that mix modern and traditional will complete your journey and experience.
Salud Oral not only has qualified dentists, but all our doctors are strictly obliged to have a specialization or Master’s degree. In this way we guarantee the highest obtainable result in each treatment that they do, meaning they are solely dedicated to resolving problems linked to their specialization.
For the majority of cases, a week is usually enough to resolve the dental problems our international patients have; nonetheless, this depends on the number of treatments that need to be done and how complex they are. For this reason, we recommend that our patients contact us via our email address: hello@saludoral.mx explaining their dental problems that need solving and stating the time they have available.
Cash: Mexican Pesos, American dollars or euros.
National debit or credit cards.
You begin by sending us an email (hello@saludoral.mx) where you explain your dental problems that need resolving, your availability and the dates when you could visit our clinic. We will send you a quote and an appointment timetable, which, after your approval, will be noted in our appointments´ book.
My experience at Salud Oral was fantastic.
A state of the art clinic! Great service! English is spoken and you can communicate via email or cel phone. I highly recommend this clinic.
How To Start With Your Dental VACATIONS?
San Cristóbal de las Casas Chiapas Enigmatic and Alternative Location of Dental Tourism Mexico
You're about to start an adventure of fun and health, your journey starts from US or Canada to (Mexico City).
Welcome to Mexico City, choose one of the lines inexpensive or first class travel to Tuxtla Gutierrez.
Enjoying a beautiful and magical landscape, we suggest traveling in shuttle or collective taxis.
Good English
Communication is vital for our international patients. That is why we make an effort to speak English fluently.
There will always be someone in the clinic on hand to clear up any doubts and give explanations in English.
Strict control of infections and hygiene.
The protection measures that we use in our dental clinics, as well as water use and waste disposal comply with the strictest international safety protocols.
Solve your dental problems in a beautifull place?
Starts with a quote for personal Diagnosis
Benefits of cold weather
Get a dental implant is a procedure which ultimately will benefit cold weather and not one warm.
Heat can cause inflammation which slows the healing process and this means that you, as a patient, you're not as comfortable as in a cold climate.
Colonial jewel + pleasant climate
An implant is an investment in your future which will greatly improve your quality of life for many years to come.
All year the weather is mild, allowing you to enjoy pleasant days and nights to appreciate the international artistic, cultural and culinary life what we consider the colonial jewel of Mexico.
We use the best brands for our dental materials.
In order to obtain quality results in our dental treatments, knowledge of and the ability to use the most recent surgical techniques are not enough. Our priority is to use the highest quality materials that meet the strictest safety standards.
We guarantee that the brands used in our restorations and materials for your dental treatment are the same brands used today in Japan, Germany, Canada and the United States.
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